Systems Adminstrator's Blogs Are Boring.
This one, I'm sure, is no exception. Posts are often written at the end of a long working day; I'm frequently confused, drunk and alone.
Or am I?
I'm on holiday next week. Guess what I'll be doing.
Correct. Recompiling all of my sources again. I wish I had a Mac instead.
Are we all friends again?
Just stop it, or I'll have to block your email. I'm sorry about what I said about the Green Spam, and I unreservedly apologise to "Drogon" for my temper.
You are quite correct in your assertion that environment matters. Now can I please go to bed?
I don't know which of you cretins has signed me up for all of this Green Party crap. I'm not interested. I've never been a member of a political party, I have no political views, no opinions and certainly no plans. I don't know what The Surge is. I don't care about young people or old people or homeless or anything other than myself.
Pave the world, for all I care. Fuck off, Drogon or whatever your real name is.
Sorry, I really should of posted this earlier, but I'm drunk again.
I managed to get quite a lot of Mortimer's bot to compile and run by commenting parts out and planting links in various places. It's very Usenet-specific, and some of it expects to be run on an NNTP server: do such things even exist nowadays?
Anyways, to precis a long and tbh exhausting session (pasted from another window):
Script started on Fri Oct 3 23:20:55 2014
daisy% gdmc^Gore
[X ^ P: starting gdmcore 6.4]
checking environment... passed.
checking databases... not found.
Database open failed.
daisy% gdmcore blah
unrecognised operation, -h for help
So, help is available. What it doesn't mention is that when it says "checking environment", it's actually adding stuff to your .bash_profile, which doesn't work and logs you out instead.
daisy% gdmcore ESC[K-h
usage: gdmcore -h | [-vnixec] [bot botargs]
-v = verbose
-n = dry run
-i = interactive
-x = don't open databases
-e = extended processing (use with care)
-c = single shot command
-h = this helpful message
This is gdmcore V6.4, another fine product from XenoPsyche, Inc.
Pretty obvious what I tried next.
daisy% gdmcore -x
[X ^ P: starting gdmcore 6.4]
checking environment... passed.
database checking disabled.
checking authorisation... not authorised!
enter service key: ^C
daisy% exit
Script done on Fri Oct 3 23:21:18 2014
I suppose I have no idea what to do with this. Any suggestions welcome.
OK, I admit it, it's like an itch. I've been messing about with Mortimer's bot. I'll post about that later, but although it hasn't done anything interesting yet, it's somehow locked me out of daisy. Have to get in on the console!