Title photo
My life in words and images; a work in progress.

I Just Don't Know...

Systems Adminstrator's Blogs Are Boring.

This one, I'm sure, is no exception. Posts are often written at the end of a long working day; I'm frequently confused, drunk and alone.

Or am I?


Wed, 02 Apr 2014

Weird email received; is this you?

I've been forced to move my pointless website to a VPS somewhere in Russia, because a stupid manager was worried that another stupid manager might read it. Quite an overreaction, since the logs indicate the only regular visitor is the Googlebot. I diligently modified the updates section on my page to say "Goodbye Manchester".

A couple of days later I was both surprised and gratified to get an email from somebody asking where I'd moved to. A mystery reader! And one who cares!

Whoever you are, I got a bounce when I tried to reply to you. I've corrected the updates section. This website may have moved, but I'm still in the same place.